
🆔🍁 British Columbia ID

$ 119.99

(New design)

Description: Durable cards, with magnetic stripe and 1D and 2D barcodes on back.

Validation: Rainbow and raised printing (holder’s name and signature); ghost image; guilloche pattern overlaps photo and data area and is visible under UV light; OVD on back; microprinting.

Number: 7 digits, unspaced, uncoded.

Term: 5 years.

Shipping from our partners in Canada.

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British Columbia is the western province of Canada: its shores are washed by Pacific Ocean. Third by population and 5th by territory, British Columbia occupies 9.5% of Canada with 4.6 million people living on it. Its first capital was New Westminster, now it’s Victoria. Largest and the most famous city is Vancouver with metropolitan area population of 2.8 million people. Largest universities in BC are University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, University of Victoria and others.